Friday, January 15, 2010

My Body is the Temple

This is the Taj Majal. Pretty magnificent. You know what is even more magnificent? Your body temple. It is the special place God designed for your mind to live in as well as for you to do neat things in. It is a suitcase packed with supplies to go great places in. The sum total: your soul temple. And you know what? He thinks it is just as special as you are. Not only that, He wants you to think of it as a temple for Him to live in. Come to think of it, He wants you to think of it as a little heaven to go to heaven in, even though this Taj will be remodeled a short time from now and made to last forever. The architect of our body temple once said,"Tear this temple down and in three days I will raise it up." By this we know that by His creative or re-creative power, He is able to reconstruct our body temples as well. Pretty cool.

What is important right now, is that you have the opportunity to show Him just how much you value this palace and will care for the better one planned for in the future by keeping it in the best shape, being the best caretaker or housekeeper you can earnestly be. There is an important difference between the Taj Majal and your soul temple that he wants you to realize. The Taj Majal cannot get up and go do things that are important. It cannot feel for the poor, visit those who are in prison, or care enough to listen when someone is hurting. But you can.  Think about this: the longer you last, the more good things you are able to do. Let's face it, everything on this earth is doomed to destruction. But it is more than maintenance for the property owner. He wants us to enjoy living in these temples. He said, "I came to give you life, more abundantly." He wants us to enjoy a quality of life we haven't experienced before. There are keys to life that He only has.

I found out that by looking at the beginning of time as recorded by historical account, the original plan or blueprint, can be found for abundant living. And in that plan, there is a simple diet. This diet was designed with our taste buds, our health, and our planet in mind. Do you want to know where it can be found? In one of the most ancient manuscripts of earth's history. You guessed it, the Bible! The book, "The China Study" elaborates beautifully how scientifically this diet preserves health and adds longevity, even cures diseases commonly known to man since the beginning of time. And you can find it in Genesis 1:29. Got a Bible nearby? Take a look now.

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